‘I Am A Hacker And I Am Here To Help You’

Empire Diaries

BIG TECHByIndranil Chakraborty

October 12, 2020: I am a ‘hacker’ – a white hat hacker as we say in our line of work. And I am here to shed some light on the intriguing world of hacking, which many people wrongfully think is some shady hangout of faceless geeks doing mysterious things.

I am a trained and a certified ethical hacker, living and working in India. As a professional in my field, I have sort of lived out of a suitcase you can say, helping large organisations keep their sensitive data safe and sound. I have lived in different Indian cities, have worked in West Asia as well, and these days I am camped in the southern Indian city of Bengaluru, working for an international company.

Through this discussion, I want to make it clear to you that there’s something called ethical hacking that is vitally important to…

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